September 22, 2024
STAT Health has created a device that offers hope to those suffering from the prolonged effects of Covid-19 or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Synd.......

STAT Health has created a device that offers hope to those suffering from the prolonged effects of Covid-19 or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). The device, called STAT, is a blood flow monitor that uses tests to identify the cause of the symptoms such as fainting, dizziness, and headaches. The device is designed to fit within the ear of the wearer and is powered by solar energy, eliminating the need for charging. STAT is equipped with an accelerometer, temperature sensor, pressure sensor and micro solar power, and can detect cardiovascular, changes in blood pressure, and blood flow when a person stands up. Its primary purpose is not to treat the symptoms of Covid or POTS, but to identify the underlying cause.

Amid the lingering effects of Covid-19, physicians struggle to better understand and diagnose the disease. With the STAT device, an individual can receive proper diagnosis and treatment that was unavailable before. According to a report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 28% of people still showed long-COVID symptoms in January 2021, and the device is a vital tool to determine the source. Daniel Lee, co-founder and CEO of STAT Health, mentioned in a CNBC report, “the majority of physicians are unable to identify whether something is wrong. There is a way to prove that something is not right and their experiences are valid.” With the STAT device, many will benefit from a concrete diagnosis and seek effective treatments to manage their symptoms.


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